Sunday, June 30, 2013


Woke up this morning with an unhappy stomach. :-/
Somehow it got cold in my room last night and I could not produce enough body heat to keep it warm under the covers.

I gotta start feeling better soon, today is an all out study day for my Chemistry test tomorrow.

Better go make some coffee...

Saturday, June 29, 2013


What? I think he is adorable! :)
Finally got him fully in the pool for nearly a hour, if we had left him in he would have fallen asleep in his floaty, but we didn't want him to get sunburned.

It was a great day. :)

Friday, June 28, 2013


I feel smart. ;)


When it rains at night, I get the best sleep. The only downside is that I usually don't sleep in because my body is so refreshed.

Oh well.

Today I go to see my orthodontist for my lovely braces then run a quick errand finally ending back at home to work on studying for my chemistry test on Monday.

For now I will throw on some clothes and raid the kitchen for breakfast and coffee. :)


Thursday, June 27, 2013

My back...

It hurts. :(

When I study or take notes I tend to hunch over my pen and paper and with the amount of studying/homework I have been doing for the last month my back is killing me.

And my neck.

Oh yeah and my shoulders.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Are so pretty. :)

Once again, these are in my backyard.

Double Day-lily!! We thought these were pretty cool.

So many beautiful plants and flowers! <3


Paradise (currently). :)

Monday, June 24, 2013


So I finally got to talk to someone about my crush and the delimma that goes along with that.
She pretty much told me stuff I already knew which, I have to admit, kind of sucked.

For me to stay neutral for the next 4-5 weeks seems like such a pain in my butt, mainly because I REALLY want to know things that I will only find out from asking point blank.

This doesn't help either...

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Best Days...

Are when I get to see my nephew. :)

I am extremely fond of him.
I love kids and I have a perfectly valid reason to hold him all the time being related to him, instead of some creepy strange woman wanting to hold other people's babies.

It was a beautiful day for our Saturday lunch and we were able to go swimming in the pool (hence my less than glamorous looks).

Friday, June 21, 2013


So I have a crush on someone that I shouldn't.

The difficult part about all of this is that the one main reason why I should not have this crush will become invalid soon (but not soon enough, IMO).

Every time this happens, I feel like my face has turned bright red with blushing and I seem to have a hard time keeping my hands from trembling.
I feel like a freaking little kid when this happens, I haven't felt these kind of nerves in a long time which makes this an even more frustrating experience.

First world problems, I know.

Plans Change...

When your body hates you.

I was planning on working on my chemistry homework today after shadowing at the dental office.
I came home, ate lunch then proceeded to take a 30 minute nap so I would be refreshed and awake for my homework.

I guess something that I ate for lunch didn't agree with my stomach or just the build up of stress from this week of school has come to a head.

I stayed laying down in the fetal position for about two hours then got up thinking I was going to be sick but that feeling passed about 5 minutes later.

Now I am trying to focus on my homework but the nausea and general weakness is not helping.

I am looking forward to going back to my new specialist and discussing what steps he would like to pursue but that won't be for another two months.

I know that part of my lifestyle changes that had to take place when I was diagnosed has been lacking lately because I am focusing so much of my energies on school. I need to go back to visiting the gym twice a week at least and make sure that I am eating meals at regular intervals.

Any-who, I am feeling a little better now so I will take another whack at my homework. 

Oh yeah and this is a picture of me from yesterday. :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


It alludes me when my stomach starts acting up. :-/

Lets see, I didn't eat anything strange for dinner...

I am not stressing out more than usual over anything...

Stupid stomach.

Felt pretty today...

So I took a picture. :)

Originally I did not want to post any pictures of myself but oh well it's not like anyone is really looking at this anyways.

Then I decided to change and take another picture just for fun. :)

I bought this dress a few weeks ago and I have been wanting to wear it but wasn't sure where.

Anyways, I'm going to go watch a movie with the folks.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Not cool

So I got a 76% on my chemistry test.
I am very disappointed in myself.

Now I have to study for my 2nd medical terminology test tomorrow and hope that I can get a better grade on that test.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sharing space

So my Dad is in the process of editing his fourth book with my Mom.
The only problem is that his office is maybe ten yards away from where I currently sit trying to pass a chemistry quiz with one attempt left.

I am complaining more because I am having a hard time getting a 100% and I want to blame their noise than acknowledge my apparent lack of intelligence.

Last attempt commencing now. :-/

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Coffee cups

Yup, I just bought three new ones.
They match in three colors (red, blue, green) I almost got the black one but I didn't really want a black one.

Is it weird that I collect coffee cups?
I don't really even know why I do, I just like them and they give me a fun bit of variety.

Anywho I am studying for my first chemistry test this weekend but my sweet nephew is coming over today so I will go take a shower and get dressed so I can play with him as much as possible.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Math and Chemistry

So the first chapter of my chemistry book involves math.
At first I was totally fine with this.
Then I started working the problems and the math they use is different from the math that I just finished learning last semester.
I thought I understood the concepts that are being used but then I toke the first quiz and I can't seem to get this one type of question correct.
I am frustrated.
Granted I should have attempted this quiz during the week so I could go to my professor and ask for help face to face, but I chose to take this quiz this weekend.
So I really only have myself to be frustrated at and trust me, I am. 
I have posted on the discussion board my dilemma and hope that someone will see it and reply with something helpful, otherwise I will have to wait until tomorrow to ask the professor then run to finish the quiz before the official deadline.

Side note:
When I tried to write "arrange in order" I ended up combining and writing "orange" instead.
No joke.
I will also do this with spoken words (super embarrassing when caught).

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Well my summer classes start tomorrow.

*takes deep breath*

I will most likely be a hermit for the next two months.
I will get in the pool when it heats up and probably take a couple naps in the hammock but that is probably it.
