Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Planning a vacation... {Warning: Post is a BIT lengthy}

So I haven't really traveled anywhere in my adult life.
Sure, my parents took my brother and I to Galveston, TX once and then to San Diego, CA once but that was when I was younger and didn't appreciate where I was. I only remember bits and pieces of those trips.

Last year for my birthday, my parents took me to the south eastern point of the state to a lake for a weekend. It was really pretty and I took over 600 pictures on that trip.

I decided right around Christmas that I wanted to actually go somewhere {out of the state} for my spring break from school.
My first thought was to go BIG, so I picked Ireland.
I have always wanted to go to Europe {nearly every single country, actually} but then I talked to my parents and was persuaded that if I went to Europe they would want me to go with someone. I really wanted to go by myself because it would have been adventuresome and brave of me to do.
Then I saw the price and nearly choked on my coffee.

So that bummed me out a bit and I decided to do something state-side. But where??
There are SO many places {even in the US} that I want to go visit.

Watching some travel and realty shows with the folks and came across St. Augustine, FL. There is this REALLY cool old fort there that I had heard about and wanted to see one day.

I announced right then that I was going to go there. Once again my Dad was concerned about me going by myself and strongly recommended against it.
I asked my friend what she thought about it and she said it sounded like fun but I could tell she wasn't exactly as thrilled as I was about going.

A few days passed and then the subject of going on a cruise was brought to my attention. Hey, that sounds awesome! I could go to a couple different places AND say that I have been on a cruise all at the same time! {Big smile and both thumbs up to this idea, it had my quick approval.}
My Dad asked how I would feel about my Mom going with me so that I wouldn't be alone.
I have ZERO problem doing that since I currently do not have a boyfriend to ask and it really bothered my Dad letting me go anywhere by myself.
Next day we started looking at cruises and figuring out the logistics.

That is what killed it for us... the Logistics.

The airfare, the cruise, the excursions, etc. were quickly adding up and the time frame that we were working with was pretty tight.

So we set our sights back on Florida.
I will not say where in Florida we picked {you will get to find out when we get back} but we narrowed our destination area down and contacted a rental property about rates and such. {You have no idea how excited I am about all of this!}

The adventure continues...

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