Tuesday, October 28, 2014


So it is a typical Tuesday for me so far.

Went to Radiography lecture this morning, had lunch with Chris, picked up my bathroom bag from his house and went to my parent's house to stay the week while I am in school. I was working on homework and studying {sort of} for an exam tomorrow in Dental Anatomy. Mom and Dad went for a walk {to get their beach bodies my Dad said} and I found myself walking around the house.

First I went into the spare/storage room to establish how many of the boxes left were mine and it hit me.

I am moving out of my parent's home and into my boyfriend's and I was experiencing mixed emotions.
Now this might sound silly since I was married previously so it is not like I haven't lived with a man before. Instead what hit me was that I was moving out of my Parent's house and into another person's house instead of my own place. I have done that already, obviously, and it would not have been a big deal more like deja vu really.

I am happy because it means that I am moving forward with my life and starting a new chapter.

I am sad because I came to enjoy seeing my parents every day and spending time with them.

I will miss having coffee with them in the mornings and talking about so many different things.
I will miss having my Mom ask for my opinion on a project she is working on or going on walks with her and Rudy.
I would be lying if I said I wouldn't miss my Mom's cooking, everyone loves their mother's cooking and I am no exception. 
I will miss having arguments discussions with my Dad over anything and everything.
I will miss hearing my Dad blasting his music and singing along, oblivious to the fact that I am trying to study. He always sounds so happy so I never have the heart to ask him to stop.

These last two years that they have supported me and helped me get back on my feet have been so special to me and have made me realize how much I took them for granted and didn't appreciate them in the past. I was so ready to be away from them as a teen and now I know how much I will miss them when I move out and they eventually move much further away.
There are days that I wish my parents were the kind that called their kids up and annoyingly stayed in touch but I also know that my family is way too independent for that and that they are at that point in their lives where what is happening in my life is not their main focus. This is the time when they get to rediscover themselves as individuals and as a couple. They worked hard to raise my brother and me and now they can sit back and enjoy some quality time together.

I love them with all of my heart and I will forever.

1 comment:

  1. It 's not arguing it is debate. I love all your thoughts and yes, the respect I've earned as your parent. You have indeed grown and matured, but I'm still going to Hawaii. You are just going to have to visit - oh darn! Love - Dad
