Monday, March 11, 2013

I hate...

Public bathrooms.

Why would someone not flush a toilet in a public bathroom? Or leave evidence of their visit on the toilet seat, walls, floor, door handle?

Meme Wednesday: How Many Of These “Manly Asians” Can You Identify?

I know that guys have a hard time aiming sometimes (especially when they are young or alcohol is involved or both) but girls really have no excuse.
We sit down (or hover in some cases) for goodness sake!

Why the hell do we feel the necessity to take pictures of ourselves in the bathroom??
I don't want people to know that I just used the facilities (yes, I know that everyone does it and you are not human if you don't but I do not care).

I guess I missed out on those genes that instruct me make duck faces in the public restroom for the whole world to see.


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