Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Study time...

So I am in the process of rewriting my class notes from psychology.
Why the hell am I doing this?
Because the professor will give bonus points at the end of the semester if you have awesome class notes.
I want those bonus points.
I am bad at spelling, especially when I am in a rush and trying to write a bunch of stuff that is coming out of a person's mouth at a million miles a hour. So I am rewriting my notes so I can fix those words and then also try to make sense of what I wrote.
The only reason I am writing this blog is because I needed to look up who Carl Rogers was and why my professor mentioned him but was interrupted and sidetracked before she could tell us Why she mentioned him.

I hate these words:
Affect and Effect.
I always seem to forget which word would be more appropriate for my sentences.

"Without Failure, you will never truly know Success"
My professor said that after explaining why it was important for researchers to publish their findings even when the hypothesis was proven wrong.
I thoroughly agree with this statement.
Mainly because I feel that I have experienced a good share of failures so far in my life and that allows me to see my successes as well.

I also think the cute guy who sits next to me is going to either drop the class or fail the class. I could be wrong, maybe he is one of those people that only has to listen to the lecture to be able to pass the tests but I don't know.

I also think he is under 20 years old, which rules him out in my mind as a possible date candidate.
I would rather not date any man younger than me by a year or older by five years.
That last guy I attempted to date was ridiculous.

Guys, don't lie about your age.
Especially when you are twice the age of the girl you are interested in.
Not only is it creepy it is also deceitful and no girl wants to feel like they just got duped into having feelings for someone twice their age.

I love the word laboratory.
I always think of the cartoon Dexter's Laboratory and I say it in my head the way he did to spell it correctly on my paper.
"DeeDee! Get out of my la-bor-a-tory!"
Good clean cartoon fun.
The cartoons they have now are just plain creepy, strange and disturbing in some cases.
I decided a long time ago that I did not want my kids watching the kind of cartoons that are on tv nowadays, if at all.

My professor mentioned the Tuskegee syphilis experiment to the class and was surprised that no one seemed to know about it.
I thought to myself, "most of the students are straight out of high school in this class and are too young to know about that experiment (which lasted for a few decades)."
Granted I only know about it because my Sociology teacher brought it up last semester, so I can't really pretend to be any better then these other kids.

Man, I think my brain is good for tonight...
I will do my nutrition studying tomorrow on my lunch break between classes.
I think I will go to bed early and hopefully get some good sleep...
I might even take a benadryl to help me along...

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